Corporate Partners
Results actively seeks new, brilliant and mutually beneficial partnerships with respected organisations.
Partnering with Results enables us to continue our advocacy and campaigning for a world without poverty. It can also help your organisation to:
Be part of the solution by advancing the political will to end global poverty.
Advance CSP principles and make a difference for your business, and our world, and strengthen our environment and societies.
Connect with the community.
Build employee relationships, goodwill and morale.
How your organisation can get involved
There are many different ways for your company to support Results Australia and help ensure everyone has the opportunity to eat nutritious food, go to school and live free from deadly diseases. These include:
Developing and tailoring a special package unique to your company
Identifying particular opportunities or fundraising activities such as morning teas and special dinner functions
Sponsorship for some of our key events (for example, World TB Day and our Annual Leadership Awards)
Cause-related marketing
Workplace giving
Matching employee donations
Holding an event
If you would like information on how your company can partner with Results Australia, we would be happy to have a discussion with you. Please contact our Global Partnerships Manager on 0456 623 769 or email vicky.tayler@results.org.au.​​