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Every year Results holds a variety of events to engage MPs, the public and our community of supporters. These events raise awareness of our campaigns and impact, foreground the devastating impacts of poverty, raise funds for our work and celebrate our incredible community of supporters and Advocates.

World TB Day

Leadership Awards
Our past events

ACFID 2023: From band aid solutions to systems change
In October 2023, Results Australia CEO Negaya Chorley chaired a panel discussion at the ACFID National Conference in Sydney.
Our shared mission to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals is increasingly under threat requiring a re- think in how we achieve change.
Our leading panel of activists from Global Citizen, Common Grace, Oxfam and The Asia Foundation called for a bold new vision for aid that aims to shift the structures that keep people in poverty. With examples of people powered movements from around the world, panellists inspired us not only to think big and think bold but also to work collectively to achieve our shared mission.
Our shared mission to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals is increasingly under threat requiring a re- think in how we achieve change.
Our leading panel of activists from Global Citizen, Common Grace, Oxfam and The Asia Foundation called for a bold new vision for aid that aims to shift the structures that keep people in poverty. With examples of people powered movements from around the world, panellists inspired us not only to think big and think bold but also to work collectively to achieve our shared mission.

World TB Day Virtual Parliamentary Event
Results with support from partners, organised the World TB Day Virtual Parliamentary Event on 24 March. With close to 70 participants from Australia and around the world, amazing speakers and rich discussions, the event was incredibly informative and enjoyable.

#RaiseYourHand for Global Education Panel Event
In July 2021, five of our advocate groups brought together Julia Gillard AC with 77 activists, parliamentarians, likeminded organisations, and international guests to share their passion for improved global education outcomes.
Julia Gillard AC, former Prime Minister of Australia and former Chair of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Board, spoke at the event.
Together, we demonstrated that there is broad-based support for Australia to fund global education, and helped to unlock a $180 million commitment from the Australian Government.
Julia Gillard AC, former Prime Minister of Australia and former Chair of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Board, spoke at the event.
Together, we demonstrated that there is broad-based support for Australia to fund global education, and helped to unlock a $180 million commitment from the Australian Government.

International Women’s Day Virtual Event 2021
In partnership with Global Citizen, The Asia Foundation, and UN Women, we’re proud to honour International Women’s Day virtually in 2021.We were joined for a fascinating discussion by Natasha Stott Despoja, Global Citizen Australia Board Director and Australia’s Representative to the Committee for the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), Jane Sloane, The Asia Foundation, Ariadne Gorring, CEO, Pollination Foundation, and Alvina Lillie Soaki Erekali, UN Women Solomon Islands.
We discussed the specific impacts of COVID-19 and climate change on women and girls and the need to elevate women into leadership roles to tackle the issues of the future.
We discussed the specific impacts of COVID-19 and climate change on women and girls and the need to elevate women into leadership roles to tackle the issues of the future.

Shifting the Needle: COVID-19 Vaccination
Join Guardian Australia’s Ben Doherty in conversation with Results Australia CEO Negaya Chorley, public health pioneer Bill Bowtell and, from Delhi, Dr Bobby John to discuss how the $1.1 billion government commitment to COVID-19 vaccination and recovery can permanently shift the needle when it comes to Australia’s place in the region.

Results Annual Leadership Awards
Results Australia Leadership Annual Awards celebrate and acknowledge the hard work and commitment of parliamentarians, volunteers, journalists, not for profit and corporate partners who support the vital campaigning and advocacy work of Results Australia. They are a means of recognising high performing supporters and showing our appreciation of their input.
It is a night of celebration and recognition, giving insights into Results’ impact at a global level.
It is a night of celebration and recognition, giving insights into Results’ impact at a global level.
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