Our History
When Results International founder Sam Daley-Harris was 17, one of his friends tragically passed away. It was during this period of mourning that Sam came to question his own mortality, realising that he maybe only had 17 more minutes, months or years left in this world. The question of purpose started to come up: Why am I here? What am I here to do?
After finishing college, Sam was invited to a presentation on ending world hunger. At the time, he thought hunger and global poverty were insurmountable issues because there seemed to be no solutions to these problems. He felt helpless about human nature, and our capacity to tackle the big issues. In thinking about human nature, Sam turned from helplessness to hopefulness, realising there was one person’s nature that he did have some control over – his own.
In 1980, Sam founded Results International in the United States. By building a powerful and effective model of citizen empowerment and leadership, Sam encouraged people to change the way they viewed their role in shaping government priorities. He built a movement of everyday people, who engaged with the government, media, and corporations to effect change. Together, they galvanized the United States Government to take stronger action on global poverty.
In 1986, Inspired by the impact of Results in the United States, a group of passionate Australians gathered in Canberra under the umbrella of Results International Australia with a shared belief that no matter where people are born, everyone should have equal opportunities to fulfill their potential in life. Since then Results has become a powerful voice to the Australian Government on ending global poverty. Over the past 35 years our advocates have leveraged billions of dollars for the fight for a better world.