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Policy advocacy
Our policy advocacy is about providing the evidence for the changes we want to see in the world.
At Results, we use evidence to challenge the status-quo and persuade people in power that change is necessary. We also use evidence to outline the best and most effective ways to achieve impact-at-scale. In addition to supporting our parliamentary advocacy colleagues with briefings for MPs, we work with our civil society colleagues, global health officials and international organisations to make change.
policy reports
These are one of the most common forms of policy advocacy at Results. They set out the problem and solution in significant detail. They can include original research, case studies of what is happening on the ground, or analysis of existing data. They include recommendations for different initiatives, for example the Australian Government Aid Budget or a multilateral global health body such as the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
A key part of policy advocacy is seeking to influence the content of political declarations and international agreements. This can include working to persuade the Australian Government to call for certain policies or language to be included in the declaration/agreement, and working to influence the wording directly.
multilateral bodies
A key part of Results’ advocacy is focused on raising money for multilateral bodies that work on health equity, education, nutrition, and women and girls. We strongly believe that multilateralism is the best way to tackle the root causes of poverty and achieve impact-at-scale. In addition to mobilising resources for multilaterals, we work to influence the way they engage with in-country civil society organisations and affected communities to ensure that they are included in decision making.
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