Joining Results Australia as a Fellow in 2023 has been a really eye-opening experience for me. As a student who is currently exploring future pathways, this fellowship has enabled me to learn different skill sets, gain insight into advocacy work and learn how political decisions can transform the health and economic situation of individuals – for better or for worse.
Meeting like-minded individuals who also have a passion for reducing global poverty and improving global health provided me with a space to discuss and enrich my own knowledge. I am so blessed to have been given the opportunity to meet with other Fellows from across Australia, to receive training and to meet with Members of Parliament who shared their own stories.
The advocacy training provided through Results Australia empowered me to meet with my local MP and discuss the work of Results and Australia’s role in reducing global poverty with him. While I do admit that it was a nerve-wracking experience, I had the support of the Results staff team who encouraged me through the process! The meeting allowed me to translate the training I had completed in Canberra from head knowledge to tangible action and allowed me to practically train my advocacy skills.
As my time at Results as a fellow comes to an end, I am excited to continuously improve on these skills and seek out further opportunities to expand my understanding of global health issues and Australia’s role in reducing them. It has been really encouraging to see the work of Results Australia translate into meaningful change that improves the wellbeing of our neighbours, especially in the space of reducing tuberculosis.
My hope is that many others around me can grow a deepened empathy for those in need and seek to use their platforms, privileges and resources to advocate for those most vulnerable.
Elim Tai is a 2023 Results Australia Global Health Fellow. She is a current Bachelor of Science student at the University of Melbourne and Outreach Officer for the Melbourne University Global Health Society.