The Results Global Health Fellowship was a great opportunity to experience the inside and outside game of advocacy for global health and poverty issues. The retreat especially was such a good opportunity to talk to people who have had extensive careers in the advocacy space, and also learn about crafting our story of self. After two days of in-person workshops and talks, we went into parliament house for the day, meeting the Federal Health Minister minister and the two MPs that lead the TB Caucus, discussing the importance of Results’ work and especially the fight against Tuberculosis. These experiences gave me more confidence in engaging directly with lawmakers, allowing me to feel more comfortable to reach out to my local MP on important issues.
I found it easy to manage the fellowship alongside my other commitments of work and study, as whilst the fellowship did require energy and time, it wasn’t extraneously demanding. Having the monthly calls with the other fellows has allowed me to stay engaged throughout the process, both to the other fellows I was working with and to the work itself. The process felt straight forward but also adaptable to the direction that we the fellows want to take it in.
I learnt a lot engaging in the consultation process. As a group designed a consultation and ran both in person and virtual workshops around the country. The results of the surveys used in the consultation process will be compiled into a report which will then be presented to and used by future advocates on up and coming issues.
Overall I am really glad I was given the opportunity of the fellowship program and it is something I would recommend to anyone interested in the advocacy or global health and poverty space. I think it is so important to take advantage of opportunities whilst still at university or in the early stages of your career and this is definitely a worthwhile opportunity.
Ben Anderson is a 2023 Results Australia Global Health Fellow and studying a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Economics at the Australian National University. Ben is also the 2023 president of ANU Effective Altruism.